For someone looking for an internship, part-time job, or full-time opportunity, in-person connections are the best way to show off skills and highlight work experiences to potential employers
Jeff Stookey of Milford, Ind., was presented the 30th Klussendorf-MacKenzie Award during the 54th World Dairy Expo in memory of Duncan MacKenzie, the 1961 Klussendorf winner
For 7-year-old Maple Fudge Of 12 Oak and her leadswoman, Ashley Brandel, an invite to the Supreme Champion selection is nothing new, but it is just as rewarding
When the reigning Reserve Grand Champion of the International Ayrshire Show strutted onto the purple shavings at the 2021 World Dairy Expo, it was clear the 9-year-old cow wasn’t going to settle...
This morning and afternoon 13 collegiate dairy judging teams and more than 50 students are evaluating cattle and preparing their reasons in hopes of being named a national champion
While I was working on chores in our robot barn the other morning, I watched as the sun began to wake up, slowly transforming the sky from a star-speckled deep denim blue to a magnificent display